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Amy chats to Liam Withnail before he heads to the Fringe with his show Chronic Boom!

Hey Liam – here’s your chance to give an elevator pitch, can you give us a brief synopsis of your new show?

A theatrical stand-up show about an extended hospital stay, it may be a serious subject but the laughs don’t let up.

What inspired you to create this show?

I spent two weeks in hospital last year, and due to a health condition to come up with a new way to make a stand-up show. This is the result.

Have you performed at the fringe before? What are the best and worst parts of performing at the fringe? 

Every fringe since 2011! I love how many cool shows there are to see and great comics to gig and hang out with. The worst thing is the spiralling costs and the pressure it puts on new comics.

What are the main themes within the show, and what can audiences expect?

Using humour to get through hard situations, particularly health. I’ve had so many messages from people after shows about their own experiences with disabilities or chronic illnesses, and how laughing helped them.

Finally, with so many shows at the Edinburgh Fringe, why should people book a ticket to this one?

You won’t have seen a stand-up show like this before. You’ll laugh, you might cry – you’ll definitely learn some things and come out with some new perspectives about life

Liam Withnail: Chronic Boom is on at 7:10PM, 2ND – 27TH AUGUST AT MONKEY BARREL COMEDY  / Twitter @liamwithnail  / TikTok @liamwithnail  / Instagram @liamwithnail

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